Automatic Drum Organic Waste Converter

We are a leading Manufacturer and Supplier of Organic Waste Converter(OWC), Automatic Organic Waste Converter, Composting Machine, Batch Type Organic Waste Converter, Organic Waste Composting Machine, Organic Waste Composting Machine, Food Waste Converter, Automatic dewatering Composter, Waste Converter, Automatic Drum Organic Waste Converter, Garden Shredder, Sanitary Napkin Incinerator, Volute Press, Drum Composter, Green Waste Processer, Automatic Continuous Drum Composter in Pune, Maharashtra, India.

We have a vast experience from our many installations and can make sure that the whole chain, from food waste to compost, works as smoothly and simple as possible.

Compost and composting

Composting is an aerobic process (Oxygen needs to be present) by bacteria and other micro-organisms that breaks down any type of organic waste into soil. To work properly, the right quantities and proportions of Nitrogen, Carbon and Oxygen need to be provided, and as a result you obtain a rich, safe and fully mature compost that can be used without any further mix for potting, agriculture and gardening.

The most important change triggered by composting is the transformation of Nitrogen into different molecules, in order:

  • Ammonium (NH4+)
  • Nitrites (NO2-)
  • and finally, Nitrates (NO3-) which are absorbed by plants and animals.

Mature compost is chemically stable and is recognized as an exceptional soil fertilizer and conditioner of great use for improving soil water retention and prevents desertification.

What isn’t composting?

Dehydrating the waste (ie. drying the waste using heat), rotting by anaerobic bacteria (No need of oxygen to be present) or any other process that doesn’t produce a chemically stable and ready to use compost.

Many systems claim to prepare compost, but mainly just remove the water in the waste without properly breaking down the Nitrogen molecules in it. These systems are very energy hungry as they need to heat the waste for evaporating the water in it, and obtain as a result a product rich in Ammonium (NH4+), a compound involved in water pollution, acid rain and smog. This so called “compost” invariably requires further processing before being safe for agricultural use or disposal.

Before choosing a technology for treating your organic waste get all the facts straight and request an analysis report on the end product obtained that you can compare to your local Compost Quality Standards.

Nachiket Engineering makes safe and high quality compost!

Our composters produce high quality compost that conforms to Compost Quality Standards.

The compost obtained by our systems complies with the strict chemical and hygienic compost requirements for organic farming and agriculture.


ModelCapacityPlant Size
Regenta Series
NAC 10101 m x 1.2 m
NAC 25251 m x 2 m
NAC 50501m x 2.5 m
NAC 75751 m x 2.75 m
NAC 1001001.5 m x 3 m
NAC 1751751.75 m x 3 m
NAC 2502501.75 m x 4 m
NAC 3503501.75 m x 5 m
NAC 4254252 m x 6 m
NAC 5005002.25 m x 6 m
NAC 5005002.25 m x 6 m
NAC 6006002.4 m x 6 m
NAC 7007002.75 m x 6 m
NAC 8008003 m x 6 m
NAC 9009003.2 m x 6 m
NAC 100010003.5 m x 6 m
Jumbo Series
NAC 125012503.5 m x 7 m
NAC 150015003.5 m x 7.5 m
NAC 175017503.5 m x 8 m
NAC 200020004 m x 8 m
NAC 250025004 m x 8 m
NAC 300030004.5 m x 8 m
NAC 500050004.5 m x 8 m

Automatic Composter

Simple and practical

It is simple and practical because the most unpleasant fraction of the waste stream – the food waste, is being dealt with hygienically on a daily basis. You empty your food waste into Composter every day through the hopper. Add absorbent (Saw dust) and microbial composting agent along with waste. The chopper at the inlet chops the material to increase the surface area & make the waste homogenous. This homogenous mixture is passed on into the drum.

The drum having agitator inside is rotating at very slow speed. The waste material due to its rotary action will fall down from the baffles and get automatically aerated. A low intensity heater removes excess watery content form the homogenous paste.

The average process time inside the machine is 7-10 days. The aeration and turning is done automatically which means that the natural decomposition process works perfectly from start to finish. The finished compost is automatically sent out .The composting process takes place in an in-vessel composting unit so there are no unpleasant odours on-site.

The ventilation system supplies air to the biological process

The material is aerated when the air is pulled through the cylinder by the fan. The ventilation system makes it possible to take care of and avoid bad smells. Usually the air is led into the filter and then let out into the air.

Electricity consumption is very low

The cylinder is usually rotated at a slow speed. The biological process generates a temperature of 55-65ºC and this is why the energy consumption is low even if the machine is installed outdoors.

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