Drum Composter

We are a leading Manufacturer and Supplier of Organic Waste Converter(OWC), Automatic Organic Waste Converter, Composting Machine, Batch Type Organic Waste Converter, Organic Waste Composting Machine, Organic Waste Composting Machine, Food Waste Converter, Automatic dewatering Composter, Waste Converter, Automatic Drum Organic Waste Converter, Garden Shredder, Sanitary Napkin Incinerator, Volute Press, Drum Composter, Green Waste Processer, Automatic Continuous Drum Composter in Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Nachike’s Automatic Continuous Drum Composter is a unique Composting Machine which converts any kind of organic waste into compost within 10 Days with natural process.

Special Features of Nachiket’s Automatic Continuous Drum Composters:

  • Automatic Composter
  • Waste to Compost in 10 Days  & Converts any kind of Organic Waste into Compost
  • Compact Design & Maintenance Free
  • Converts any kind of Organic Waste into Compost
  • Odourless & Noiseless
  • Volume Reduction Up to 65 – 70 %
  • Additions of Saw Dust & Culture (Microorganism) with every waste input.
  • Quality Material Used – for Drum & Crusher
  • Overload Function works in case of Overload
  • Works on 3R Principle ( Reduce, Recycle & Reuse )
  • Garbage to Garden & Improve Soil Health
  • Reduces Global Warming and Air Pollution
  • Saves Money & Saves Landfill Space

How Nachiket’s Automatic Continuous Drum Composters?

Composting is a process of controlled decomposition of the organic waste, typically in aerobic conditions, resulting in the production of stable humus like product, compost. Considering the typical composition of wastes and the climate conditions, composting is highly relevant in India. The decomposition process takes place in the presence of air and results in elevated process temperatures, the production of carbon dioxide, water and stabilised residue, known as humus. A high degree of stabilisation can generally be achieved in 3-6 weeks, however ‘curing’ of the humus is normally carried out. For composting to occur in an optimum manner, five key factors need to be controlled; temperature, moisture, oxygen, material porosity and Carbon: Nitrogen ratio. Compost, the final product, because of its high organic content, makes a valuable soil conditioner and is used to provide nutrients for plants. When mixed with soil, compost promotes proper balance between air and water in the resulting mixture, which further helps reduce soil erosion, and serves as a slow-release fertilizer.


It is simple & practical because the most unpleasant fraction of the waste stream – the food waste, is being dealt with hygienically on a daily basis. You empty your food waste into Composter every day through the hopper. Add absorbent (Saw dust) and microbial composting agent along with waste. The chopper at the inlet chops the material to increase the surface area & make the waste homogenous. This homogenous mixture is passed on into the drum.

The drum having agitator inside is rotating at very slow speed. The waste material due to its rotary action will fall down from the baffles and get automatically aerated.

The average process time inside the machine is 7 – 10 days. The aeration and turning is done automatically which means that the natural decomposition process works perfectly from start to finish. The finished compost is automatically sent out .The composting process takes place in an in-vessel composting unit so there are no unpleasant odours on-site. Automatic drum composter with inbuilt crusher to make excellent compost from domestic/ industrial food waste.

Nachiket’s Automatic Continuous Drum Composter

Models Available

Sr No


Waste Processing Capacity


NAC 25

25 Kg


NAC 50

50 Kg


NAC 100

100 Kg


NAC 175

175 Kg


NAC 250

250 Kg


NAC 350

350 Kg


NAC 425

425 Kg


NAC 500

500 Kg


NAC 600

600 Kg


NAC 700

700 Kg


NAC 800

800 Kg


NAC 900

900 Kg


NAC 1000

1000 Kg


NAC 1250

1250 Kg


NAC 1500

1500 Kg


NAC 1750

1750 Kg


NAC 2000

2000 Kg


NAC 2500

2500 Kg

Details of Major Installations

F Residences – Ashapura Options Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai ( Maharashtra )

Name of the project F Residences – Ashapura Options Pvt. Ltd
Complete Address of the Authority901, 9TH Floor, Hallmark Business Plaza,
Sant Dnyaneshwar Marg, Opp Gurunanak Hospital,Bandra ( E ) 400051 ,Mumbai, MH
Actual Site Address 901, 9TH Floor, Hallmark Business Plaza,
Sant Dnyaneshwar Marg, Opp Gurunanak Hospital,Bandra ( E ) 400051 ,Mumbai, MH
Approx Organic Waste Generation / Day 750 Kg / Day
Description of the Project 

(Which System We Suggest ? )

Nachiket’s Automatic Continuous Drum Composter With Integrated Squeezer
Model NAC 750
Capacity 750 Kg/ Day
Number of Decentralised Project Supplied 1 ( One )
Date of Commencement of the Project18 December 2015
Nachiket’s Role in the projectSupply, Installation, Erection & Commissioning of the machine, One Day Training with 12 months warranty
Actual Site Photographs

Drum Composter

Trelliborg Sealings Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore. ( Karnataka )

Name of the project Trelliborg Sealings Pvt. Ltd.
Complete Address of the Authority22/9, Beratena Agrahara, Hosur Main Road, Near Audi Showroom, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560082
Actual Site Address 22/9, Beratena Agrahara, Hosur Main Road, Near Audi Showroom, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560082
Approx Organic Waste Generation / Day 100 Kg / Day
Description of the Project 

(Which System We Suggest ? )

Nachiket’s Automatic Continuous Drum Composter With Integrated Crusher
Model NAC 100
Capacity 100 Kg / Day
Number of Decentralised Project Supplied 1 ( One )
Date of Commencement of the Project09 May 2015
Nachiket’s Role in the projectSupply, Installation, Erection & Commissioning of the machine, One Day Training with 12 months warranty
Actual Site Photographs

Drum Composter

Merint Developers Pvt. Ltd.

Name of the project Merint Developers Pvt Ltd
Complete Address of the AuthorityMerint Developers Pvt. Ltd. Diago ‘D’, Off Carter Road, Bandra (W),Mumbai – 400050
Actual Site Address Merint Developers Pvt. Ltd. 219 BCR, Boat Club Road, Sangamwadi, Pune


Approx Organic Waste Generation / Day 25 Kg / Day
Description of the Project 

(Which System We Suggest ? )

Nachiket’s Automatic Continuous Drum Composter With Integrated Crusher
Model NAC 25
Capacity 25 Kg / Day
Number of Decentralised Project Supplied 1
Power consumption11 units per day
Date of Commencement of the Project 12.09.2017
Nachiket’s Role in the projectSupply, Installation, Erection & Commissioning of the machine, One Day Training with 12 months warranty
Actual Site Photographs :

Drum Composter

Enviro Watertech Engineers ( Arkade Group )

Name of the project Enviro Watertech Engineers ( Arcade Group )
Complete Address of the Authority11,Tarankit CHS Ltd, LBS Road, Navi Peth, Sadashiv Peth, Behind Dnyanlal Mangal Karyalaya, Pune – 411030
Actual Site Address Arkade Art

Arkade Group

Mira Road ( E ) Mumbai

Approx Organic Waste Generation / Day 250 Kg / Day
Description of the Project 

(Which System We Suggest ? )

Nachiket’s Automatic Continuous Drum Composter With Integrated Crusher
Model NAC 250
Capacity 250 Kg / Day
Number of Decentralised Project Supplied 1
Power consumption26 units per day
Date of Commencement of the Project 20.04.2018
Nachiket’s Role in the projectSupply, Installation, Erection & Commissioning of the machine, One Day Training with 12 months warranty
Actual Site Photographs :

Drum Composter

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