Our History
- Oct. 2016 : NEPL supplies 200 kg per day composting plant to DLF software park – Hinjewadi.
- Oct 2016 :NEPlCommisions two composting plants for 500 kg per day capacity at DLF Rajapura Bangalore.
- Sept 2016 : NEPL supplies 100 kg per day composting plant to Reliance Energy Ltd. – power project at Nagpur.
- Sept 2016 : NEPL bags order for 700 kg per day dis mantable Automatic composter at F residences from Ashapura Options Pvt. Ltd.
- Sept 2016 : NEPL supplies 2 tons per day composting plant to Mahindra Lifespaces Ltd. – Pune.
- August 2016 : NEPL bags repeat order from HILAND group – Kolkata for 750 kg composting plant.
- July 2016 : NEPL bags major tender of 5 composters export order to Nepal.
- June 2016 : NEPL bags 1 ton Automatic Composter from EktaConstrucitons.
- Sept 2016 : NEPL Commissions composting plant at Ascendas Software park – Hinjewadi for 2400 kg per day.
- June 2016 : NEPL bags 1 ton Automatic Composter from Ekta Construcitons.
- Sept 2016 : NEPL Commisions composting plant at Ascendas Software park – Hinjewadi for 2400 kg per day.
- May 2016 :NEPl suppliescomposting plant for 200 kg per day capacity at DLF Bubhaneshwar.
- May 2016 : NEPL supplies 600 kg composting plant at WTC Pune.
- April 2016 : NEPL Supplies and commissions Automatic Composter at Army training center.
- Sept 2016 : NEPL Commisions composting plant at Ascendas Software park – Hinjewadi for 2400 kg per day.
- March 2016 : NEPL starts discussion with EKTA Constructions for 1 ton per day Automatic composter.
- March 2016 : NEPL successfully commissions Composting plant at VilloniaBavdhan – with 3 years operational contract.
- Jan 2016 :NEPlsypplies 500 kg per day composting plant for HIland Group – Kolkata.
- Jan 2016 : NEPL Starts discussion with Army Training Center – Mhow (Indore)
- Dec 2015 : NEPL starts trials on solar based Automatic composting machine.
- 2015 : NEPL Commissions Automatic Composter at Trelliberg,Bangalore.
- Sept 2015 : NEPL complete 25th Composting plant in India.
- June 2015 : NEPL supplies 200 kg per day composting plant for DLF tower Delhi for DLF corporate office.
- June 2015 : NEPL bags tender for 1 T per day composting plant for HyderbadVegitbale Market.
- May 2015 :Discussions with Belgian Multinational Company for Automatic composter.
- April 2015 : NEPL successfully conducts trials on squizzer with upto 70% water removal from the wet garbage.
- April : NEPL bags another composting order for 500 kg per day from Muncipal Corporation of Guntakal.
- March2015 :Commisioned 100 kg composting plant at Kerala Tourism Development Corp – Cochine
- Dec 2014 : NEPL starts developemtn of Squzzer.
- Sept 2014 :NEPlcommissines 20th Composting plant.
- Sept 2014 : NEPL bags order from DLF Bangalore for 1.5 tons per day composting plant.
- Sept 2014 : NEPL bags two composting orders for 500 kg per day from Muncipal Corporation of Karnul.
- June 2014 : NEPL bags export order from NEPAL municipal corporation.
- June 2014 : NEPL supplies 1 tons per day composting plant to Essel group Mumbai.
- March2014 :trials successful on Automatic Composter. Compost report is as per FCA stds.
- Oct 2013 : NEPL starts R & d on energy efficient Automatic Composter.
- Sept 2012 :NEPl supplies 500 kg composting plant for PondaVegitable market.
- April 2012 : NEPL Establish second plant in Goa.
- Jan 2012 : NEPL establish first commercial installation at Hotel Goa.
- Oct 2011 : Nachiket Engineering Pvt. Ltd. Is formed with a mission : waste is an unmanaged resourse.
- Oct 2011 : Trials successful at site.
- May2011 : First Batch composter trial started.
- Dec 2010 :Mr.Ravindra Joshi – MCCIA Parkhiawad winning engineer joins Mr.dilipKulkarni to commercially design and manufacture Batch composter.
- July 2010 :Mr.DilipKulkarnisponcers engineering students to for R & D and model development of composter.